Khan Academy or Scratch Wikia
KAOS welcome screen PNG

Welcome to the KAOS

Hi there! Welcome to our site. The Acronym is KAOS, which stands for Khan Academy Other Sites (previously KA or Scratch). However, our articles are about any online learning with at least some sort of free option. We prefer sites that are philanthropically supported. However, we also write about sites with trial memberships or select courses that are free.

As a fandom powered by Wikia site, we have a strong community culture. Major decisions are made with community input. Community members have a voice here! We do not have a "power group", "council", or other favored group. Everyone is a part of the favored group. Use our top navigation at any level to navigate to pages of interest or select for a random page. Also, our chat or gab house has been moved off site to Discord. If you are interested in access, please leave a message on the founder's wall.

Do you want to help edit? We need editors! The area that needs the most upkeep is the user's section. This is also where you can find the people you know in the online learning world and read about them in one place. If you would like to be pointed towards something to edit, please leave a message on the founder's wall.

Where do you want to go?

Featured User!!

RK emote
The current featured user is Raumaan Kidwaii (RK)!

RK is one of the Admins on the Discord chat attached to KAOS wiki, where he has been really helpful. Though initially brought on for his skills with bot writing, he has been an excellent addition to the moderation team, as he has really strong skills when it comes to talking to difficult users.

Featured Emote / Meme!!

